
These projects were made possible in part through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services to the Connecticut State Library on behalf of the State Archives and Conservation ConneCTion.

This is a partial list summary of some of the items available in our Archives. Visit the Canton Historical Museum Library for more information or to view collections.

Canton Schools Collection

A collection of of school yearbooks, class pictures, diplomas, graduation programs, school dance cards, pictures of the various schools, newspaper articles on schools and staff, and a master list of the chronology of Canton Schools for years spanning 1750 to 2016.

Collins Company Catalogs

Catalogs from the Collins Company showing the products they manufactured and sold.

The Harger/Loomis Civil War Correspondence

Civil War era and later to/from John Harger of Canton, CT. Civil War era and after letters to/from George Loomis. Civil War era letters to/from Harriet (Horgan) Harger.

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